Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Special prayer requested

This beautiful little girl is Odelis. She is 8 years old and lives in Corozal District of Belize. Odelis was recently diagnosed with Leukemia. Her mom is a single parent and cooks lunch for the kids at her school. There are no treatment options for Odelis in Belize. Her only hope is the prayer of all who hear and all who care for intercession and healing.

Part of our group was painting the outside of Odelis' school today. Pastor Joe Martin had intercessory prayer and an anointing for her. Even with the knowledge of her disease and what it means... you can see she is a happy little girl with a beautiful smile.

Please pray for her healing and for strength for her family.

                                                         Odelis and her classmates


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I truly believe this is Tanya's Divine Appointment!..We all could've tried to help Odelis but Tonya had all the connections back in Nebraska and the groundwork for Odelis to come to the states was set up within a couple days!! I can say that I have seen someone's divine appointment play out! and it is an amazing thing when God works thru the lives of others!!

  3. As of today, Monday April 23rd, Odelis and her mom are in the USA with Tonyas and her family!!!

    Thanks to Janiece for arranging for and purchasing the flights and Tonya and her family for arranging for care and treatment for Odelis.

    God is good!!

  4. God is so good,

    Odalis' does not have Leukemia, HIV or TB. She has Leptospirosis.. a bacteria acquired in the fresh waters of warm climates which has been contaminated with animal urine and feces.
